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The Benefits of Blogging For Your Business

Hilary Young

The many benefits of blogging for your business

When you run a small business, the small fires that have to be put out on a daily basis can make it difficult to focus on boosting your marketing efforts. I understand the hesitation to invest in the potentially time-consuming practice of blogging on a regular basis, but the benefits far outweigh any anxiety about time.

And as far as money goes, according to HubSpot, 52 percent of companies who blog "indicated that leads from this channel were 'below average cost'" for inbound marketing efforts.

Four Benefits of Blogging for Your Business

Still not convinced? Here are four reasons why blogging for your business is crucial to its success:

1: Connect More Deeply with Prospects

Blogging helps you forge more of a personal connection with your customers, potential customers and/or investors. They’ll appreciate being able to find fresh, relevant content that is useful and potentially empowering to them. Keeping your target market in mind as you craft your blog topics, will help to guarantee that you engage the right audience.

2: Enhance Your Brand

Your blog can establish your organization’s voice, or your personal voice, as an expert in the field. Through your blog, your business can become the authority on your area of interest and help you build a good reputation with your readers. As an expert providing reliable information on topics relevant to your industry and/or client-base, it can add a layer of trust with your target audience that can't be bought through advertising.

3: Demonstrate Your Value

Blogging for your business is a great way to demonstrate your value to customers and potential customers. What are the reasons that a client would be in need of your services? What kind of research do you think they would do before making a purchase? Carefully consider the answers to these questions and let them inform the way you craft your blog content. If a customer can find the answers they're looking for on your site, they are more likely to make a faster purchase decision.

4: Boost Your SEO Rankings

SEO used to mean keyword stuffing in order to "beat the system," but as soon as Google caught on to the cheaters, they changed their algorithm and continue to change their algorithm every few months. Their robots have gotten alot smarter in recent years and now looks for quality, consistency and a true sense of providing clients with a service.

In order to give your digital brand a chance to grow, you need to commit to blogging a minimum of once a week, and posts need to be between 350-500 words to maximize SEO potential. And while keyword stuffing is highly discouraged by Google, choosing one or two focus keywords to organically integrate into a blog post is ideal.

If, after reading about all these benefits of blogging for your business, you still don't know how to get started contact HYC for a FREE consultation!

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