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New Series: Lady Bosses I Love

Hilary Young

Over the past year, I've connected with so many amazing and inspiring women, who are driven by big ideas and a passion to pursue their dreams. But the biggest commonality between them is that they are all lacking the confidence they need to get their business off the ground.

There are a lot of things that can hold you back from building a business--motherhood, finances, the death of a loved one--but confidence shouldn't be one of them. Women are extremely capable business owners, even though they only make up roughly 36 percent of small business owners in America. Studies have shown that investing in women across the globe has a multiplier effect, since women are more likely to reinvest that money into their families and communities.

So why are economists more willing to bet on women than women are willing to bet on themselves?

I hope to change that through this new ongoing blog series, "Lady Bosses I Love," which will feature some of my favorite female entrepreneurs, who I am also grateful to call friends.

My goal is to help more women realize that they are every inch as capable as men when it comes to launching and running businesses. Some would even argue that women are more capable!

Meet The Lady Bosses I Love

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